AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

Bariatric Walk Group – Update

Coach Jeff

I wanted to give a shout out to all of my Bariatric buddies out there. I know some of you are in a really tough spot right now being that elective surgeries are once again being put on hold.

I’m sure you’re very frustrated, but be encouraged as your day will come! Also, I know that many of you are interested in participating with us on Saturdays but are concerned about COVID and being in a higher risk group. I want you to know that your health is priority #1, and that I completely understand your situation.

Until you can join us, I encourage you to get out there and do some walking. Set a realistic goal for yourself, even if it’s just to walk around the block. Create a schedule for yourself where you walk on specific days, four days each week. Consider following the same pattern we’re currently using at Austin Fit. We work out on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. And set a goal to slowly increase your workout by adding 5-10 more minutes of walk time to your routine.

Bariatric Tip of the week
So, you’ve tried multiple protein shakes and none of them excite you. Assuming you don’t have a peanut allergy, considering adding a couple of teaspoons of peanut butter when blending your shake. Trust me, a basic chocolate protein shake with a little bit of peanut butter makes for a nice Reese’s flavored, protein-filled surprise. Additionally, some of you may prefer to purchase premade shakes like Atkins, Premier, etc. I’ve learned to not refrigerate my shakes. Instead, pour them over a half cup of ice. Try it out for a great cool change!

Every step you take puts you closer to reaching your goals. Always feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Coach Jeff P AKA “BigDaddy”

AustinFit Blog Running Tips Summer Season 2020 Uncategorized

Embrace the Hill Climb

Training in Austin Means Tackling Hills

In Austin we are blessed to live on the edge of the Texas Hill Country and its rolling hills. But when facing hills head on, don't expect that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from a sunset over Lake Travis.

One of the many lovely hills of South Austin

More likely, at least initially, you'll have a sense of dread. Gazing upward as your leg muscles began to burn, it's only human to wonder what's this for and to want to stop the madness. But like any type of training - physical or mental, hill workouts teach us to embrace what makes us uncomfortable. We come to understand that what is difficult often makes us stronger.

AustinFit introduces uphill climbs early into our training season out of practicality and necessity. Firstly, timed events and races will at some point include a hill climb. You can't avoid them without severely limiting the number and location of events open to you. Secondly, hill intervals have many physical benefits for both runners and walkers.

Tackling hills improves length strength. In particular, it tones the quadriceps and buttocks, which need strengthening to balance the pounding load we place on the hamstring muscles when we walk or run. Overall stronger legs help improve and lengthen our stride. And, of course, hill training improves our cardiovascular fitness -- our heart rate and rate of breathing.

Detailed questions about level of exertion always should be discussed with your doctor, but AustinFit coaches can assist with using equipment to track heart rate and assess your level of effort. They also can help you attack hills with the right form so that you don't overstride or lean too far forward or backward. Proper technique while running hill intervals actually strengthens tendons and ligaments, helping prevent injury throughout the season.

Once confident with hills, more running events will be open to you. Some events, like San Antonio's Rock and Roll Marathon, can be more forgiving, but even the Dallas Marathon has a climb of 150 feet over the course of a mile. And our very own Austin Marathon, has a 125-foot climb over the first 3.5 miles. So much the better, after training with AustinFit. The challenge will be won.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

Lightning Forces Week 2 Cancellation

We Train in the Rain, but not in Lightning

Week 2 of Summer 2020 training was cancelled due to inclement weather. Heavy rain and lightning was overhead at the time training was due to begin from downtown Austin.

We don't run beneath stormy skies for good reason. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that lightning strikes killed an average 30 people per year from 2006-2018, and all outdoor activities should be suspended for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder is heard.

Days not suited for running can still be productive if you choose to crosstrain. Supplemental activities like weight training can help improve running form and increase leg strength. Other exercises suited for the indoors, like yoga, increase range of motion and combat tight muscles that often result from running.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

AustinFit Kicks Off Summer 2020 Training

Social Distancing Keeps Health and Safety in Focus This Summer

Linda Brown, AustinFit Coordinator, leads a pace group through post-run stretches

Training for and finishing a run or walk event always has been a rewarding physical and mental challenge. However, in 2020, finding an escape from daily stress and concern has never been more important.

That is why USAFit Austin coaches were happy to welcome back runners and walkers Saturday, June 13, to its 26-week marathon summer training. Coaches set runners and walkers into their appropriate pace groups while passing along social distancing practices to follow during runs and walks. Following state and city guidelines to combat the spread of the virus that can result in the COVID-19 illness is a paramount concern of the AustinFit team.

Those concerns are balanced against the very present physical and mental need to get outdoors and train under the big, blue morning sky ever-present during Texas summers.

This first weekend included introductory routes through downtown Austin that avoided highly traversed areas of the Butler Hike and Bike Trail along Lady Bird Lake. Unique training routes throughout the city will continue to be a featured part of USAFit Austin training. However, the first few weeks offer low-mileage distances so that those new to regular training can join the fun now in progress.