AustinFit Blog

Safety Issues

The safety of our members is the primary goal of our Austin Fit program.


by Austin Fit Running and Walking

Safety Issues

The safety of our members is the primary goal of our Austin Fit program.  By far the most important part of our program is that we do everything possible and reasonable to keep our members healthy and safe.  Finishing a marathon or achieving a certain time goal is secondary.  The most important step in staying safe is being aware of, and staying alert to, potential dangers.  Potential dangers include vehicular traffic on roads where vehicles are going to win in any collision between a runner/walker and the vehicle.  Other dangers range from weather conditions especially in places where the weather is volatile and can change quickly to people being aggressive on the streets.

General Safety Tips

  • Whenever possible train with another person.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you wear headphones, keep the volume low enough to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Train during times of good visibility.
  • Vary your training routes to avoid a regular pattern.
  • Let someone know where you are going and how long you expect to be gone. Contact that person when you complete the run or walk.
  • Consider carrying your cell phone and/or safety devices such as whistles, pepper spray, etc.
  • Always wear your ID tags. We have them onsite. Please get one if you don't already have one.


Lack of visibility is another safety risk that walkers or runners should consider.  Visibility is always important, but especially in the morning or evening when lighting is poor and drivers may be tired and paying less attention.  Visibility becomes an even greater concern in the winter months when runners may be out before sunrise or after sunset.  We recommend that our members wear brightly colored clothing such as white or fluorescent colors on their runs or walks so they are more visible. Dark colors make a person much more difficult to see in low-light conditions.  In very low light situations, clothes with reflective built-in to them or reflective vests are recommended. Reflective tape is available that can be put on clothing.  Some runners also clip a small flashing LED light to the backside of their clothing as another way to increase visibility.

Not only is it important for others to be able to see you, but it is important that you be able to see to avoid dangers like holes or damaged sidewalks.  Carrying a flashlight or wearing a headlamp provides illumination while also adding to the runner’s visibility to others.

ID Tags

We recommend that all of our members wear their ID tags on their training shoes for several important reasons:

  • If a member should get injured on the course, his/her ID tag will let medical authorities know who the person is and whom to contact.
  • If the runner has allergies or other important medical conditions, they can be listed on the ID Tag.  This is important under any circumstance but especially important while traveling.  Providing accurate medical information can save precious minutes during an emergency which can mean the difference between life and death.

Risks in Urban Areas

Living and training in a large town or city poses some unique safety risks.  Some risks a person may encounter in an urban area include:

Traffic – We must make sure all groups are traveling against the flow of traffic, no more than 2 abreast and on sidewalks or other pathways designated for bike or pedestrian traffic. They also all need to obey the traffic laws including crossing at cross walks and at lights.  It is easy to forget to look both ways before crossing each street especially in the latter miles of a long run when fatigue has set in. It is easy to step out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle as both may be less visible than a car or a truck.  Running along busy streets is particularly dangerous; for this reason, choosing routes that minimize busy streets is recommended. Look for routes near less-traveled areas,  away from traffic such as in parks or around lakes.  Dogs – Runners are more likely than walkers to trigger a dog’s natural hunting instinct to pursue a fleeing prey. Therefore, a runner may be able to stop a dog from chasing him/her by slowing to a walk, crossing to the other side of the road, and/or acting as non-threatening as possible.

Pollution – While not an immediate safety issue for most people, the long-term effects of training in highly polluted areas can be severe.  For this reason it is usually better to train in the morning or in the later evening in areas of high air pollution.   Pollution levels tend to climb during the day and decrease somewhat overnight. For the group runs, Organizers should keep abreast of air quality alerts and plan accordingly.  For some runners, high particulate counts such as allergens or pollution in the air can trigger respiratory attacks.  Encourage those with respiratory issues to have their medications available to them during a run.  For some this might involve carrying a “rescue” inhaler.

Attackers – Running with partners, and staying alert to one’s surroundings can greatly reduce a person’s risk of being attacked.  One should always be aware of his/her surroundings and the possibility for physical assault. Running with headphones decreases one’s ability to hear someone approaching. Women may want to be especially careful not to run alone and not to run with headphones.  Some members may want to invest in pepper spray and/or a whistle to improve his/her chance of escape should an attack occur.

Risks in Rural Areas

Rural areas present some of the same safety issues as urban areas, but they may also offer their own risks:

Narrow roads with no sidewalks or shoulders – While there may be more traffic in the city, there are usually sidewalks available.  In rural areas country roads can be narrow often with no shoulders and no sidewalks.  Running or walking in these areas requires great attention to the traffic and your environment.  It is advisable, and in most cases the law requires you, to walk or run facing oncoming traffic so you can see approaching vehicles and, if necessary, step off the road to stay out of their way.

Dogs –Dogs were mentioned above, but a common experience is that country dogs can be more troublesome than city dogs.  Perhaps country dogs are less used to seeing runners, or city dogs have spent more time in charm school.  In any case, take care in running any new route in a rural area. Country dogs may also not be restrained.

Wild animals –The more remote the location, the greater the potential risk of wild animals.  It is important for runners and walkers to know their environment or train with someone who does. This is especially important when on vacation or traveling to a new area. Wild animals are much less likely to approach a group than an individual.  Many animals are more active at dawn or dusk as well.

Distance from help should a problem arise – Running in remote areas can be peaceful and invigorating, but it may be wise to carry a cell phone. It is always advisable to let someone know what route will be taken and when the person expects to return.  Modern technology may help here as well.  If the runner is carrying a cell phone, someone may be able to track the cell phone location.  For instance, the Apple iPhone® has a function that will allow someone to find the phone.

Training in Unfamiliar Places

Whenever preparing to run or walk in an unfamiliar area, such as when traveling on business or vacation, there are a number of things a person can do to increase his/her safety:

Check with a local running or walking club (such as another USA Fit group or RRCA club).  They can recommend a safe route and perhaps even provide training partners.  Needless to say, be wary of running with strangers.

Check with the local running store. They might have a group to run with.

When traveling,  ask the concierge at the hotel – they will tell you if the area is safe to train in, and if so, can often provide route maps and suggestions.  Keep in mind that the concierge might send you off to a place that he/she thinks is good for running but might not realize that the one mile loop is not really what you are looking for!

It is important to tell someone the route being taken and how long you expect to be gone.

Always wear ID tags.

Consider taking a cell phone along on the walk or run for quick access to help if needed.

Take some cash or a credit card in case you need to take a cab or public transportation back to where you are staying.

Training on Trails or Paths

And finally, while trail walking or running is in many ways much safer than training in most other areas, it too can present unique safety hazards.  If training on a path in an urban area, such as a paved “hike and bike” trail, you should be especially watchful of cyclists and roller bladers.  Because of their speed, and relatively quiet operation, cyclists and roller bladers can easily overtake and surprise walkers and runners especially on winding, wooded trails.

On rural or mountain trails, mountain-bikers, motorcyclists or snowmobilers can be a major safety hazard as they usually travel at much higher rates of speed; some motorcyclists and mountain bikes have  adopted the attitude that these are “their trails”.  No matter what type of trail you choose to train on here are some important safety tips:

  • always stay to the far right of the trail
  • never walk or run more than 2 abreast
  • stay single-file on narrow trails to allow ample room for passing
  • keep your eyes and ears open for others sharing the trail with you
  • stay on the trail itself!

On wilderness trails, runners/walkers (and cyclists) always yield to horses.  Cyclists should yield to runners/walkers. The tricky part is what to do when two people encounter each other on a trail.  Generally, the faster person should be allowed to go.  So if you are both ascending, let the faster runners/walkers pass; the same would apply for descending.  What happens if person A is ascending and person B is descending?  One recommendation is for the descending person to step aside as it takes more energy to go uphill.  Also, the person descending may likely see the ascending person first and be able to step aside easier.  Of course, step aside in a safe place.  However, it is not unusual for the ascending person to step aside and take a little breather and wave the descending person on.

(Note: if a cyclist is approaching from behind and overtaking you, then it makes perfect sense to let the cyclist pass just as you would a faster runner/walker.  It is also not unusual that if you are heading uphill and a cyclist is descending for you to step aside and let the cyclist pass.  It can be tough for a cyclist to stop safely on a descent.

AustinFit Blog Running Tips USA Fit

Sponsor Spotlight

Fall Season is Here, but the Heat Isn't Leaving

by Dr. Dan Powers

Ah, fall is soon upon us. But that doesn’t mean the temperatures are falling anytime soon.

Training in the Texas heat can be a real challenge. Your times just seem to get slower as the heat continues, and sometimes, it takes a supreme effort to get through a workout. 

I remember seeing someone running in the 100-degree heat when I first moved to Austin 20 years ago. 

“What kind of a ding-bat would run in this heat?” I asked myself. 

Well, here I am, one of the ding-bats. I don’t particularly like working out in this heat, but if you want to be ready for race season, you have to do it anyway. The good news is there are definite benefits to working out in the heat. It makes you stronger, it makes you tougher, and it will make your pace quicken over the course of a season. 

When working out in the heat, your body has to shunt nutrients and water to the skin to get rid of the heat generated by your own body. This, in turn robs your body of oxygen, electrolytes and water. As a result, your heart is forced to pump harder and faster. The more dehydrated you become, the more this process accelerates. I’m exhausted just thinking about it!

The most obvious solution to this dilemma is to give your body more water to work with but how you do this is either going to hurt you or benefit you. 

Start out by drinking a couple cups of water at least an hour before your workout and a small cup of cold sports drink just prior. Limit alcohol the night before and limit coffee in the morning of a workout as this will tend to dehydrate you. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, etc., as this affects your kidneys ability to process fluids. During your work out drink water and electrolytes but remember, your body can only absorb 5-7 ounces of liquid every 15 minutes. Drinking too much, too quickly will upset your stomach.

After your workout, cool off your body with cold wet rags and replace lost fluids by slowly rehydrating. Every pound you lose from your workout requires 16 ounces to replenish. If your urine is dark, you’re dehydrated. 

Lastly, avoid hyponatremia which is a critical loss of sodium in the blood. This can lead to brain swelling and seizures and can be lethal. This occurs from drinking excess amounts of fluids without electrolytes. If your pre-workout fluids include electrolytes you’ll never have to worry about hyponatremia. 

The good news about working out in the heat is that your body is adaptable and will change its physiology over time. As time goes on your body’s efficiency to cool off will improve and so will your body’s ability to transport oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Stay the course throughout the hottest parts of the year, and it will make you a better athlete. Then, when the weather starts to cool off, you will be amazed at how relatively effortless and more efficient your work outs will seem. 

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

Lightning Forces Summer Week 11 and Fall Week 1 Cancellation

We Train in the Rain, but not in Lightning

Training was cancelled this week due to inclement weather. Heavy rain and lightning was overhead at the time training was due to begin from downtown Austin.

We don't run beneath stormy skies for good reason. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that lightning strikes killed an average 30 people per year from 2006-2018, and all outdoor activities should be suspended for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder is heard.

Days not suited for running can still be productive if you choose to crosstrain. Supplemental activities like weight training can help improve running form and increase leg strength. Other exercises suited for the indoors, like yoga, increase range of motion and combat tight muscles that often result from running.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

Get Moving with AustinFit

A Mile Walked is a Mile Conquered

by Coach Greg Perliski

A walk through Austin is no walk in the park.

This city, on the rim of the Texas Hill Country just to the west, has its share of hills. A early morning walk headed north on Guadalupe St. from Lady Bird Lake bears this out.

It’s here on a recent Saturday that Austinfit’s Coach Michelle Cooper has her fitness walkers on the move in a valley of office towers and condominiums reflecting the dawning sunlight spreading above the dome of the Texas State Capitol.

“Come on, let’s help each other,” she urges her team forward as they walk a brisk pace. “We are all leaders here.”

Michelle is one of a group of fitness coaches out each week helping AustinFit participants maintain their cardio-health in the age of COVID. Outdoor workouts at safe distances from others seem one of the last refuges of normalcy for those fighting the spread of COVID-19.

Like other AustinFit coaches, COVID safety and precaution is top of mind for Michelle, who wears a mask during her workouts. Other precautions include preworkout temperature checks, social distancing, and ample use of hand sanitizers.

Beyond the necessary precautions, the goal of the AustinFit program remains as it has for the past decade — to give members the opportunity to be fit and healthy. It doesn’t happen overnight and requires lifestyle changes that ideally come with time. This is why the typical training season for Austinfit plays out over 26 weeks. It allows for an incremental transformation that protects against physical injury and mental burnout.

AustinFit and its seasonal approach to training provides the environment for a gradual, yet substantive, run or walk program that address the needs of beginners as well as the more experienced member.

For those Michelle leads, there’s walking and the specific pace and movement that go with it. However, AustinFit also has the coaching staff to accommodate all levels, including the seasoned marathoner who might clock a pace under a 9-minute-mile. Overall, participants are divided into four or five groups according to goals and expectations.

The different groups allow for AustinFit members to gauge progress and scale back effort to recover from injury if needed. Michelle understands from personal experience that the groups’ flexibility enables long-term commitment to an exercise program.

After training with AustinFit three years ago, she ran a half marathon in New Zealand. Like with many who participate in timed events, the thrill of the finish gave way to a longer-than-expected layoff in the following months. A rush to regain her form in the spring of 2018 resulted in a knee injury.

Frustrated but not daunted, Michelle returned to AustinFit in 2019 as a member of the walking group that she now leads.

“I joined Austin Fit's walk group to try to regain my stamina and endurance to run again and did just that,” Michelle said. “I was able to participate in the 3M Half Marathon and ended up running at least half of the race. Needless to say, I was proud of myself, but also recognized that if I had only listened to the doctor and my running buddies and came back as a walker sooner, I would have been able to run sooner.”

It’s with that mind set — walking is training — that she guides her team through a program that lengthens its workouts each week. By week 10 of the current season, her team is walking 7 miles. For some, distance alone is the challenge; however, like Michelle, some walkers discover that they can incorporate some running into their workouts.

“I try to maintain a good pace for everyone, and if I notice someone is being left behind, I try to slow down for them,” she says. “However, if there is someone in the group who is obviously leaving us all in the dust, I usually inform them that it is okay to move between the groups if the walkers are completing the routes slower than they would like.”

The first step involves some form of interval training. This is where a group adds a preset number of minutes for running. The group then dials back the intensity for a minute or two by walking. It becomes a run-walk interval.

As fitness continues to increase, AustinFit members can choose to run with groups that use longer run intervals and walk for shorter time. Eventually, they might choose an AustinFit group that runs for the entire workout.

Finally, as fitness levels increase, AustinFit members might choose to train for a specific timed event — the Austin American-Statesman Capitol 10K might be good choice for a beginner. Some choose more advanced targets such as a half-marathon or even a full marathon in Austin or San Antonio.

Whatever the goal, completing a timed event or working out simply for the health benefits, AustinFit coaches like Michelle are there each week for the team, encouraging correct form, proper eating and sufficient hydration needed to support 26 weeks of training.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020

Sponsor Spotlight

Discover the Shoe for You at Austin's Ready to Run

Running gear and shoes will be on your mind as the miles stack up this summer and fall season. It's for good reason. Having the properly fitted shoe is one of the best things you can do to prevent injury and make your workout more enjoyable. And bringing the right gear, such as hydration bottles, utility belts and reflective vests, can boost the safety of your workout no matter the weather.

With shoes, as you learn more, you'll read about different ways your foot can strike the trail or pavement. Pronation, arch can be confusing how these terms specifically apply to you. But Rory Tunningley and the staff at Ready to Run on Far West Blvd. can make sense of it all.

Better still, Rory offers a 15% discount to all AustinFit members. Check out the video to learn more and stay tuned for details about an October hill run hosted from Ready to Run. Let's support our sponsor!

AustinFit Running Tips Summer Season 2020

Sponsor Spotlight

Weekly Workouts Offer Time to Improve How You Move

by Dr. Dan Powers, Powers Family Wellness Center

Proper form when running or walking is essential to ease stresses on your body, improve performance and prevent injuries. I’ll go over a few basics that will do just that and maybe make your training just that much more fun.

Most of these points are just common sense and you experienced walkers and runners may read these and say, “well, duh!” But bear with me -- even experienced athletes need reminders once in a while. We can so easily slip into sloppy habits. 

First, consider what we call leg turnover. Basically, this is how many steps you take per minute. Obviously, you don’t want to be taking tiny little baby steps, but you don’t want to be over-striding either. Both of these will put the brakes on and slow you down. If you think about it, the only time you actually propel yourself is when you have contact with the ground; so the more you’re propelling yourself, the faster and more efficient you will be. Increasing leg turnover without over-striding also will enable you to land on the center of your foot, as opposed to your heel or toes. Doing either of the latter can lead to heel and foot injuries, calf injuries, or knee and hip injuries. 

Another thing to consider is proper arm swing. It’s a simple thing that can have big consequences. Running is not just a matter of propelling yourself with the power of sheer muscle contraction. Our bodies also use kinetic energy. We load kinetic energy in our muscles, tendons and ligaments and then release it much like a wire spring snaps open when unwound.

The better our form, the better we make use of this kinetic energy to reduce how much our muscles have to work. For instance, swinging your arms front to back is a much more efficient way to produce kinetic energy than swinging your arms across your hips or not swinging your arms at all. Every time you bring your arm upward, your opposing knee should be drawn upward with it. This visualization has really helped me in the latter miles of marathons and half marathons. 

The last, and possibly most important aspect of running form I'll cover here, is proper posture and core alignment. There’s less stress and more efficiency of movement when you are straighter and more in alignment. Walking and running for any distance is stressful enough on our bodies, and adding more stress with improper posture will inevitably lead to injuries down the road.

The most balanced posture with the least amount of stress on our bodies is ear over shoulder, shoulder over hip, and hip over knees. Bringing your chest slightly forward while attempting to do this. Cross train and keep your core muscles strong so that after a couple of hours on the road you won’t tire out and start schlumping forward or sideways. 

Improving your form won’t happen overnight. It’s something you’ll have to keep working on, but If you pay attention and stick with it, you will reap the benefits over time with better finishing times and less injuries. 

If you would like to learn more about the Powers Family Wellness Center, please visit us here.

AustinFit Running Tips Summer Season 2020

Don’t Forget, Stay Hydrated

by Coach Jeff Barnett

At the Week 7 seminar we discussed the importance of hydration and how to do it properly for long-distance workouts. Remember to focus this week and in future weeks on getting between 80 oz to 100 oz of water per day - that’s 8-10 glasses of water or about 3 liters. It sounds like a lot, but if you constantly keep a bottle with you and on your desk while at work, it’s easy to do. 

On days when we run, make sure to come to the run hydrated and drink plenty during the run - at least 5 oz to 8 oz every 15-20 minutes. Weigh yourself before the run (at home) and then weigh yourself after the run. If you’ve lost weight, you’re not drinking enough. 

If you’re running less than an hour, water is enough. If you’re running more than an hour, you also need to be taking in electrolytes. You can drink Gatorade, one of our brand sponsors, or you could take salt tablets, use nutrition on the run that contains electrolytes, or drink other beverages containing electrolytes. Enjoy your week and make sure to get in your weekday workouts! See you next Saturday!!

Coach Jeff

Blog Running Tips Summer Season 2020

Keep Moving, Keep Winning

Thoughts on Gear for the Trail

By Coach Jeff Preston

I wanted to talk a bit about gear as we move into longer distances in our walks/runs. I’ve included links where possible for anyone that’s interested in learning more. Please note, that I have no affiliation with any of these companies. I just like their products.

Running Belts

The first item I wanted to mention was a running belt. I am currently running with the URPOWER-Upgraded Running Belt. Like all belts, it’s adjustable in length. It comes with two 6-oz water bottles and a large pocket that easily holds my gels, Chap Stick and even a cell phone.

It also has an opening for earphones for runners who aren’t using Bluetooth “Air Pod” technology. I like this product because it’s not bulky, it holds up well, and meets all of my needs. Finding a belt that meets your needs is really important. I’ve noticed many people don’t run with them until they start into longer runs. I encourage people to wear them every time they run. Adding any gear to your routine deeper into the training program just means more time late in the game for your body to acclimate to something new.


The days of the Bruce Jenner terry cloth headbands and wrist bands are long gone, but the need is still there. I can’t stand sweating into my eyes while working out. A few years ago, I came across an amazing product by Sweatgutr. The product is a thin translucent headband and does a great job of keeping sweat from rolling into my eyes. The technology is such that it has a “gutter” that collects the moisture and directs it to the rear and down your back, aiding in cooling while keeping your eyes clear.

Nipple Protection

This is for the men. When you’re out there running and sweating, you’re releasing lots of salt. Salt can be abrasive, especially with the movement of your shirt while running. Most guys don’t notice it during the short runs, but as distance increases, the repeated abrasion often causes your nipples to bleed. It has already happened to me once this season as I’d forgotten to protect my nipples by covering them up with some type of band-aid.

Two weeks ago, I saw one of our coaches finishing a run wearing our new bright-yellow shirts, and he was bleeding as well. Now any band-aid type bandage will work, but the larger bandages cover more area than what is required. If you have any chest hair, you know the pain pulling those large bandages off while ripping out hairs. So, after a couple of years of battling with finding the right coverings, I found HEB’s Clear Spot bandages. They’re round band-aids a little larger than a penny, and they get the job done. Most of the pharmacies have their own version of the product, and they all work equally well.

Body Abrasion

So now that the miles are starting to pick up, we will all battle the rub. Everyone has their own unique body style, and we all rub in different places. Some people under the arm, some between their thighs, and others... well let’s just say I fell into the "other" category a few times. I was quickly introduced to Body Glide. It’s an amazing product. It’s not messy, or smelly, and is a NO BRAINER. If you’re someone that has dealt with chafing in the past, then this is your reminder to start applying now. 

If you are having abrasion in the “dairy-air zone,” then diaper-rash-type protection is a must. There are many over-the-counter zinc ointments meant for this region, and they work very well.

Sun Block and Sun Glasses

If you’re like me, the idea of applying sunblock literally makes your hair stand on end. I can’t stand to be slathered up in greasy slime. I know some of you could care less, but for me it’s just nasty. Regardless of my personal feelings, there are lots of athletic-type sun blocks available. Find one that works for you, and use it.

If the slimy, greasy thing gags you as well, then I encourage you to check out Neutrogena’s Ultra Sheer body mist. It doesn’t gag me, and I’m not miserable with it.

Sunglasses aren’t just for style and design; they also protect your eyes. So be sure to shop for something comfortable that’s protecting you from the harmful effects of the sun.

I’m currently wearing a pair of Scattante glasses that are a multi-lens cycling pair of sunglasses. They have interchangeable lens that you can change out fairly easy. The multi-lenses feature is really nice for changing out your lenses based on sunny or cloudy days. I enjoy these a lot. They’re lightweight and provide plenty of eye coverage.

Lenses for cloudy days actually provide a lighter view of your surroundings. These may be more than most people need, but I hit a sale and nabbed a pair a couple of years ago.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020 USA Fit

Water Stop Update

Keep Social Distancing in Mind to Prevent Spread of Covid-19

By Coach Greg

As AustinFit now enters its sixth week of summer training, the full marathon group will complete its first Saturday route in excess of five miles. With that, we will be having our first water stop.

Because of the ongoing challenges presented by the community spread of the virus that causes Covid-19, let’s take a moment to review how we will incorporate social distancing into our water stops.

This season water stops are “hands free” for coaches and team members. Water stops have an attendant who will wear a face covering and gloves to distribute water. No cups will be provided; so it’s critical that all participants needing water on the course have their own hydration bottle to carry water. We offer no exceptions to this policy. Please be mindful that mornings in Austin despite the early hour are still warm and humid. Use of personal hydration is strongly recommended.

Generally speaking, you should sip small amounts of water throughout the course and not wait until you feel a strong sense of thirst. Once thirsty, you are running a fluid deficit that is hard to recover while exercising. For more information about hydration, speak to your coach.

While it goes without saying to not share a sports bottle with your training partners, do not share other items like towels, salt tablets, gels, maps, etc. If consulting with someone on the route, speak to them from a safe distance. For example, do not look over their shoulder at their mobile phone. Better to let your coach know if you are having trouble tracking upcoming turns and changes in direction rather than speaking up close to multiple training partners.

Also, because face coverings are optional for runners and walkers, it’s vital that we follow the recommended 6 feet between each participant not only as we exercise, but especially as lines form at the water stop. Six feet is about two arms lengths.

Spreading out over a larger distance will require water stops to be in areas where sidewalks are available. As training distances increase this season, we will strive to keep water stops at consistent 5-mile intervals as best as possible.

Hand sanitizer will be offered at each water stop.

AustinFit Blog Summer Season 2020 USA Fit

Peak Streak

Coach Darnell

Everyone has ups and downs in life from time to time. Sometimes you don’t feel like doing certain things even though it may make things better.

Did you know NFL/NBA Athletes are paid based on their peak performance? They also have ups and downs. They are just like everyone else in this world.

The major differences are, they practice or condition their minds and body to be at their peak performance or peak state everyday all year round. They are paid to perform for YOU at their peak state. If they can do it, You Can Do It!!

What would happen if YOU decided to challenge your mind and body to BE at a Peak State everyday?

What would happen to your standards of living or your lifestyle if you Decide NOW to condition your mind and body to be at your peak state everyday?

What would that challenge do for your business?

What would that challenge do for your health?

What would that challenge do for your relationships? How would your feel?

How would your life be if you were to condition your mind and body to be in a peak state for 30 days?

So decide today to take the 30 Day Challenge.

Just think about the momentum you will bring through the year 2020.