Make Your Running Shoes Last Longer With These 5 Tips

Make Your Running Shoes Last Longer With These 5 Tips

1.Weatherproof Your Pair

Before you take your shoes out for a run, hit them with some weatherproofing spray. Not only will the weather guard protect the leather on your shoes from getting damaged from rain and snow, but it’ll help to keep them from absorbing stains. I admit I never have done this to running sneakers, hiking boots, yes. Still its a good idea.

2.Clap It Up

Caked with mud? Where were you running? When mud builds up, it can negatively impact the traction of the shoe,also the longer mud sits on your shoes, the harder it is to get rid of. To remove it after your run, clap your shoes together so the mud and dirt dumps out. Remove the insole, which will make sure there isn’t any dirt or rocks trapped beneath it. Once the excess ick is out, spot-clean with warm water and a damp rag or toothbrush and soap, detergent or athletic shoe cleaner. Oh make sure to do this outside, your spouse does not think this is a good idea on the carpet, I speak from experience. Now a days my kids do this for me- OUTSIDE!

3.Air Them Out

After a good scrubbing—or a rainy run—be sure to give your shoes plenty of time to air-dry. Putting them in the dryer or near a heater can shrink the shoes or shift the shape of the shoe, you know this cause I keep mentioning it. Instead, remove the liners and stuff your shoes with newspaper or paper towels to absorb the moisture. I hear that socks filled with rice or kitty litter will work, too. Leave them in a dry place—outside in the sun is ideal—and replace the paper stuffing every few hours until the shoes are completely dry, which may take an entire day.

4.Beat The Stink

If your shoes are seriously stinky, wrap them in a plastic bag and pop them in the freezer for up to 48 hours to zap any odor-causing bacteria. Just don’t do this at work, they don’t get how important it is.. Another way to fight foul smells? Slip in a bamboo charcoal shoe deodorizer after each run. They suck in moisture and take the smell out without adding any scent in, I use baby powder, does the same thing and I got  tons of it at home.

5.Rotate Your Shoes

The best way to get the most mileage out of your sneakers? Use them strictly for running. This helps increase the longevity of your training shoes because you’re not wearing down your shoes walking to the coffee shop or running errands. Also using two pairs can help.